kouichi I以前ギックリ腰を患い受診しました。2週間ほど週に2回ほど通わせて頂きその後回復、完治しました。ギックリ腰に対する丁寧な説明や普段の生活でのアドバイスなど親身になって頂きました。是非また身体の不調があ...以前ギックリ腰を患い受診しました。2週間ほど週に2回ほど通わせて頂きその後回復、完治しました。ギックリ腰に対する丁寧な説明や普段の生活でのアドバイスなど親身になって頂きました。是非また身体の不調があればここにお世話になりたいです。
(Translated by Google)
I had previously suffered from a slipped disc and visited the clinic. I visited the clinic twice a week for about two weeks and have since recovered and made a full recovery. The clinic was very considerate and gave me detailed explanations about my slipped disc and advice on my daily life. I would definitely like to come here again if I have any physical problems. -
高橋彰現役でテコンドーの選手をしていた時に通わせていただいておりました!! 当時太腿の裏の付け根の辺りが、競技の影響で痛みが続き悩んでいたのですが、現状のボディーバランスを診ていただいた上でしっかりとメン...現役でテコンドーの選手をしていた時に通わせていただいておりました!!
(Translated by Google)
I went there when I was an active Taekwondo athlete! !
At the time, I was suffering from constant pain in the base of my thighs due to competition, but after examining my current body balance, I received thorough maintenance! !
After the treatment, the pain itself was relieved by the treatment I received, and I was able to talk to him about his vision for subsequent treatment, and he taught me the importance of treating with a vision, which was a great learning experience for me! !
I would like you to experience it for yourself! ! -
K J体の痛みや不調部分に親身にアプローチしてくれます。 雰囲気もよくリラックスできます。 痛みや、不調の改善だけでなく自立神経にも効果がでてすっきりします。 (Translated by Google) He will approach your ...体の痛みや不調部分に親身にアプローチしてくれます。
(Translated by Google)
He will approach your body's pain and discomfort in a compassionate manner.
The atmosphere is also very relaxing.
It not only improves pain and discomfort, but also has an effect on the autonomic nervous system and makes you feel refreshed. -
樋沼朝光凄くリラックスできて、毎月先生に治療して頂きほんとに身体も凄く楽になって親子そろってしっかりみていただけて癒される場所です。 (Translated by Google) It's a place where you can really relax, and the...凄くリラックスできて、毎月先生に治療して頂きほんとに身体も凄く楽になって親子そろってしっかりみていただけて癒される場所です。
(Translated by Google)
It's a place where you can really relax, and the doctor treats you every month, which really makes your body feel much better.It's a place where you and your child can watch each other closely and be healed. -
Kazu腰が痛くて治療をお願いしました! こちらの話も丁寧に聞いてくださり、とても安心して治療を受けることができました! はりの治療もすごく心地よく、腰の状態もよくなりました^ ^ 治療の前はお辞儀の姿勢で腰が...腰が痛くて治療をお願いしました!
はりの治療もすごく心地よく、腰の状態もよくなりました^ ^
(Translated by Google)
My lower back hurt and I asked for treatment!
She listened carefully to my concerns and made me feel very at ease during the treatment!
The acupuncture treatment was very comfortable and the condition of my lower back has improved ^ ^
Before the treatment, I had pain in my lower back from bowing, but the pain has disappeared and I can now move normally, which has been a huge relief.
Thank you again. -
SHOJI数えきれないほど通っていますが、体の不調やケガなどいつも親身に対応してくれる素晴らしい先生です。 初めてで不安な方にもおすすめできます。 これからもお世話になります。 (Translated by Google) I have...数えきれないほど通っていますが、体の不調やケガなどいつも親身に対応してくれる素晴らしい先生です。
(Translated by Google)
I have been to him countless times and he is a wonderful teacher who always takes care of my physical ailments and injuries.
It is also recommended for those who are unsure about it for the first time.
Thank you for your continued support. -
永井優依どうしてもだるく疲れが抜けない…という時にこちらの鍼灸院にお世話になってます。 鍼灸治療を受けるのは初めてでしたが、先生の人柄や落ち着ける空間でとてもリラックスして受けることができました。(待合室のお...どうしてもだるく疲れが抜けない…という時にこちらの鍼灸院にお世話になってます。
(Translated by Google)
I turn to this acupuncture clinic when I can't get rid of my sluggishness and fatigue.
It was my first time receiving acupuncture treatment, but I was able to relax and receive it due to the doctor's personality and the calming atmosphere. (The fish in the waiting room are cute)
Not only did my body feel better after receiving the treatment, but she also explained my condition in an easy-to-understand way, and told me what I should be careful about to prevent it from happening again. I was grateful.
I feel refreshed not only in my body but also in my mind! -
Yumino M以前からお世話になっている私の駆け込み寺です。 体のどこが悪いのかすぐに判断して的確なところに鍼を刺してくださるので毎回体が楽になって大満足です。鍼治療だけでなく東洋医学のお話や体の構造等色々お話...以前からお世話になっている私の駆け込み寺です。 体のどこが悪いのかすぐに判断して的確なところに鍼を刺してくださるので毎回体が楽になって大満足です。鍼治療だけでなく東洋医学のお話や体の構造等色々お話ししてくださって知識豊富な先生なので安心してお任せできます。満身創痍の体だったので電気を流してもらったら即爆睡でした笑 固まっていた体も痛かった肩もゆるみとっても動きやすくなりました。いつもありがとうございます!また辛くなりすぎる前に笑 お伺いします!
(Translated by Google)
This is my last-minute temple that I have been using for a long time. She quickly determines what is wrong with my body and inserts the acupuncture needles into the exact spot, so I feel better every time and am very satisfied. He is a knowledgeable doctor who can talk to me about not only acupuncture, but also about Oriental medicine and the structure of the body, so I can trust him with confidence. My body was covered in sores, so when they applied electricity to me, I fell asleep right away. My stiff body and painful shoulders loosened up, making it much easier to move. Thank you as always! Before it gets too hard again, let me ask you lol! -
平林美輝腰痛・肩こり・首の痛みがありその痛みを抱えながら仕事をしていましたが友人からのご紹介でleadはりきゅう院さんにお邪魔しました! 上野・稲荷町・入谷それぞれからアクセスがよくマンションの一室でリラックス...腰痛・肩こり・首の痛みがありその痛みを抱えながら仕事をしていましたが友人からのご紹介でleadはりきゅう院さんにお邪魔しました!
(Translated by Google)
I had lower back pain, stiff shoulders, and neck pain, and I was working while dealing with the pain, so I visited Lead Harikyuin after being introduced by a friend!
It's easily accessible from Ueno, Inaricho, and Iriya, and it's in a relaxed atmosphere in a condominium room.During my interview, I told her what I was concerned about and where I was having pain, and she carefully explained the cause in detail, which was great. It was useful.
I've had needles inserted in many places before, but this was by far the most painless and reassuring.
When I moved my body after the treatment, I found that the areas I didn't want to move due to pain had a wider range of motion and my entire body felt lighter.
I look forward to your continued support. -
ショー現役のプロ格闘家として活動しています。 日々のトレーニングで身体を酷使するので定期的に治療して頂いてます。 今まで様々な治療院に行きましたが、ここの先生はしっかり話を聞いてくれて症状に見合った治療を...現役のプロ格闘家として活動しています。
(Translated by Google)
He is currently active as a professional fighter.
My body is overworked with daily training, so I receive regular treatment.
I have been to various treatment clinics, but the doctor here listens carefully and provides treatment that is appropriate for my symptoms.
We provide not only temporary treatment but also advice on how to prevent the symptoms from returning.
He has a lot of experience and has a gentle and gentle atmosphere, so even first-timers can do it without any worries.
If you are confused among the many treatment clinics, you can definitely come here. -
なつみ仕事の疲れやストレスで体の不調が続いてたため、知り合いの紹介で行きました。 鍼の全身治療を受けるのは初めてで緊張していましたが院の雰囲気も落ち着いていて、安心して治療を受けられました。 治療直後から...仕事の疲れやストレスで体の不調が続いてたため、知り合いの紹介で行きました。
(Translated by Google)
I went there through a recommendation from a friend because I was feeling unwell due to work fatigue and stress.
It was my first time to undergo full-body acupuncture treatment, so I was nervous, but the clinic's atmosphere was calm and I felt at ease.
Immediately after the treatment, I felt lighter and felt much better on the way home.
Even after that, I think I felt less tired and stressed in my daily life!
Thank you for your treatment! Please treat me again ✨ -
高嶋龍太月に1回通ってます! 首、背中、腰を痛めてて睡眠にも影響が出てたんですけど先生のお陰で痛めてた部位も睡眠も大分良くなりました! これからも宜しくお願い致します (Translated by Google) I go once a mont...月に1回通ってます!
(Translated by Google)
I go once a month!
I was hurting my neck, back, and lower back, which was affecting my sleep, but thanks to the doctor, my pain and my sleep have gotten much better!
Thank you for your continued support. -
y k駐車場あり🅿️ 妊娠5ヶ月時、妻がお世話になりました。 妊婦でも先生がとても親切で不安なく施術して頂けました。 妊娠中、腰痛に悩まされていましたが施術後はとても楽になりました。 予約制で、静かな雰囲気...駐車場あり🅿️
(Translated by Google)
Parking available🅿️
My wife took care of me when I was 5 months pregnant.
Even though I was pregnant, the doctor was very kind and allowed me to perform the procedure without any worries.
During my pregnancy, I suffered from lower back pain, but after the treatment I felt much better.
Reservations were required and the atmosphere was quiet and relaxing!
I will come back for treatment soon! -
真福島傑先生の所で診ていただいたのは 肩、腰、全身! 先生の治療方針は無理なく時間をかけても痛みを繰り返さない!日常生活をしながらゆっくり治したいのが本音! もちろん時間のない方には即効性の治療もしてくれる...傑先生の所で診ていただいたのは
(Translated by Google)
What I underwent at Dr. Kei's place was
Shoulders, hips, whole body!
The doctor's treatment policy is reasonable and takes time, but the pain does not reoccur! The truth is that I want to heal slowly while living my daily life!
Of course, if you don't have time, he will give you an immediate treatment, but he is a kind doctor who listens to you!
I was suffering from not being able to lift my shoulder for a year, but since I went to see a doctor and received treatment, I haven't had any pain for 3 years now!
I feel like this is a treatment that won't happen again.
You can make reservations even after 9pm, making it easy to visit! -
松井拓真開業されてから長らくお世話になっています。 月に一回は必ず身体のメンテナンスに通っています! 技術のことはもちろんですが、何よりホスピタリティが素晴らしいです。 腰が痛い時には、 何故今腰が痛むのか...開業されてから長らくお世話になっています。
(Translated by Google)
We have been serving you for a long time since we opened.
I always go for body maintenance once a month!
Of course the technology is great, but above all, the hospitality is amazing.
When your lower back hurts,
Why does my lower back hurt now? He explains in an easy-to-understand manner what to do to fundamentally change your posture, lifestyle, and constitution based on this cause. And if you don't practice it, you'll find out at the next treatment. lol
They are more serious about their bodies than I am, and they are improving as a result, so I have no choice but to trust them.
If you have any concerns about your body, I recommend it with confidence!
Once you make an appointment for not only when your body is feeling tired, but also for maintenance, I think that they will give you various advice based on your physical condition and constitution! -
山口夏姫とても親切で親身に話を聞いてくれて良かったです また今まで生理痛がかなり酷かったのですがだいぶ楽になりました (Translated by Google) It was great that you were so kind and listened to me. Also, I us...とても親切で親身に話を聞いてくれて良かったです
(Translated by Google)
It was great that you were so kind and listened to me.
Also, I used to have really bad menstrual pain, but it has gotten much better. -
山口達也本日2回目で夫婦で通わせて貰ってます 日に日に体調や体の凝りなどが取れ特に首周りが特に解消されました これからも通いたいと思いました (Translated by Google) My husband and I are going here for the sec...本日2回目で夫婦で通わせて貰ってます
(Translated by Google)
My husband and I are going here for the second time today.
Day by day, my physical condition and body stiffness have improved, especially around my neck.
I wanted to continue going there. -
雄太郎本多数年前から鍼灸治療で利用開始しました。 技術はもちろんですが、先生の人柄が良く落ち着いた雰囲気です。 今は遠方に住んでいますが、東京へ帰る際は必ず治療してもらっています。 ご近所の方、鍼灸でお店選び困...数年前から鍼灸治療で利用開始しました。
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I started using it for acupuncture treatment a few years ago.
Not only is the technique excellent, but the teacher's personality is very nice and the atmosphere is calm.
Although I currently live far away, I always receive treatment when I return to Tokyo.
If you are in the neighborhood or are having trouble choosing an acupuncture shop, please come and have a treatment at least once! -
(Translated by Google)
We treat symptoms of neck, stiff shoulders, and lower back pain. I had severe back pain since I developed fifth lumbar spondylolysis when I was a student, but as I continued to receive acupuncture treatment, I suddenly stopped feeling any lower back pain. I also consulted and received treatment for irregular menstrual cycles, depressed mood, and irritability before menstruation. My menstrual cycle has become much more stable, and my menstrual pain has almost completely disappeared. One of the treatments is moxibustion on my stomach, and it feels so good that I always end up falling asleep. I haven't been able to go for the past 3 months, but my body is feeling great! I would like to ask before it gets worse again. -
佐藤つばさトレーニングで肘を痛めた時にお世話になりました! 適切な処置と丁寧な説明で自分の怪我の理解も深まり、その場の治療はもちろんのこと、その後のセルフケアにもとても役立ちました! ありがとうございました! ...トレーニングで肘を痛めた時にお世話になりました!
(Translated by Google)
Thank you for helping me when I hurt my elbow while training!
The proper treatment and detailed explanations helped me deepen my understanding of my injury, which was extremely helpful not only for treatment at the time, but also for self-care afterwards!
thank you very much! -
hosuke hayashi腰痛や首の痛みで悩んでた際、通院しました。とても丁寧に施術してくださり、痛みもすぐに緩和しました。 仕事終わりの遅い時間でも対応していただき、感謝しています。 今後も通い続けたいと思ってます。 (Tran...腰痛や首の痛みで悩んでた際、通院しました。とても丁寧に施術してくださり、痛みもすぐに緩和しました。
(Translated by Google)
I went to the hospital when I was suffering from back pain and neck pain. He performed the procedure very carefully and the pain was relieved immediately.
I would like to thank you for your support even at late hours after work.
I would like to continue going there in the future. -
Mizuki Miyataいつもお世話になっております。 末端冷え性が酷く、冬場は足の感覚がなくなるほどでしたが、定期的に鍼に通うことでとても改善されました(^^) 施術前の問診も丁寧で、冷えの原因や私生活での改善点も教えていた...いつもお世話になっております。
(Translated by Google)
thank you always.
I had severe sensitivity to cold in my feet, to the point where I could no longer feel my feet in the winter, but by going to acupuncture regularly, things have improved greatly (^^)
The interview before the treatment was thorough, and I was able to learn about the causes of my coldness and what I could improve in my personal life.
I was nervous at first because I don't have much experience with acupuncture, but I feel so relaxed that I fall asleep every time, and I feel less tired.
I would like to ask for your help again in the future. -
中村美優生理痛がすごい良くなりました。 ゆったりした空間で、過ごしやすかったです! またよろしくお願いします! (Translated by Google) My menstrual pain has improved tremendously. It was easy to spend in a s...生理痛がすごい良くなりました。
(Translated by Google)
My menstrual pain has improved tremendously.
It was easy to spend in a spacious space!
Thank you again! -
いわっしーずっと腰と首が痛かったのですが通い始めてから仕事も私生活も楽になりました。いつも丁寧な対応ありがとうございます! (Translated by Google) I have always had pain in my lower back and neck, but since ...ずっと腰と首が痛かったのですが通い始めてから仕事も私生活も楽になりました。いつも丁寧な対応ありがとうございます!
(Translated by Google)
I have always had pain in my lower back and neck, but since I started coming here, my work and personal life have become easier. Thank you for your always kind response! -
Takeru Furuyaいつもお世話になっています! 以前、膝を痛めた時にお休みにも関わらず、緊急で治療していただきました。 おかげ様で膝も良くなり、趣味の登山も楽しむ事が出来ました。 今では妻共にお世話になっています! こ...いつもお世話になっています!
(Translated by Google)
Thank you for your continued support!
Previously, when I injured my knee, I received emergency treatment even though I was off work.
Thanks to you, my knee has improved and I am able to enjoy my hobby of mountain climbing.
Now my wife and I are taking care of him!
Thank you for your continued support. -
Fumika.Sいつも全身鍼治療〜カッピング〜お灸とフルコースでお願いさせていただいております。🩷🌟🪅 鍼治療はピンからキリまで合って、個人差もあるかと思いますがかゆいところにしっかりと手が届いて深部まで施術して下さ...いつも全身鍼治療〜カッピング〜お灸とフルコースでお願いさせていただいております。🩷🌟🪅
(Translated by Google)
I always request a full course of full body acupuncture, cupping, and moxibustion. 🩷🌟🪅
Acupuncture is perfect for you from start to finish, and I think there are individual differences, but if you're looking for an acupuncture clinic that can reach your itchy areas, perform deep treatment, and provide fundamental improvements, you won't be able to find one. I think so. . ❣️
I happened to be introduced to you by an acquaintance and had the best conditions of being in the neighborhood, so I decided to come here.
That's not the only reason, but the biggest reason I keep going is that I can effectively improve my physical condition. 💝🪄
If you want to improve your health, you should definitely ask Lead Harikyuin. 🫂♡ -
Anguilla japonicaギックリから解放されました!継続は力ナリ!今日で3年目、週イチ生活!いつも癒されてます( ・∇・)/ (Translated by Google) I was freed from the shock! Continuation is power! Today is my 3rd year of liv...ギックリから解放されました!継続は力ナリ!今日で3年目、週イチ生活!いつも癒されてます( ・∇・)/
(Translated by Google)
I was freed from the shock! Continuation is power! Today is my 3rd year of living every week! I’m always healed ( ・∇・)/ -
ざわゆー首の頸椎ヘルニアで定期的に通わせていただいております。 院長先生の丁寧な施術のおかげで楽になります! とてもおすすめです! (Translated by Google) I visit him regularly for a cervical hernia in my ne...首の頸椎ヘルニアで定期的に通わせていただいております。
(Translated by Google)
I visit him regularly for a cervical hernia in my neck.
Thanks to the director's careful treatment, it will be easy!
Highly recommended! -
長谷川昇晃肉体労働系の仕事をしていて、身体のいたるところがボロボロなのですが😭 自分のあいまいな説明でも細かく親身に聞いてくれて、身体の痛めてる所の原因や対策なども丁寧に教えてくれますし‼️ 治療も治療内容、効果...肉体労働系の仕事をしていて、身体のいたるところがボロボロなのですが😭
(Translated by Google)
I work in a job that involves physical labor, and every part of my body is in tatters.
She kindly listens to my vague explanations in detail, and carefully explains the causes and countermeasures for any areas of my body that are hurting. ️
She thoroughly explained the treatment details, effects, frequency of hospital visits, etc., so I went to the hospital without any worries.
Also, the treatment room is private and clean, so you can concentrate on your treatment without worrying about what others are watching, so I recommend it 😊 -
遠藤秀太郎野球やゴルフで体に不調が起きた時や、起きそうな時に治療してもらい、万全に整えてくれる最高の場所。 先生はシャイな一面もあるけど、気さくで感じが良いし、こちらのオーダーに寄り添って治療してくれるので、...野球やゴルフで体に不調が起きた時や、起きそうな時に治療してもらい、万全に整えてくれる最高の場所。
(Translated by Google)
It's the best place to get treatment and make sure you're in good shape when you're feeling unwell while playing baseball or golf, or if you're about to.
The doctor is a bit shy, but he is friendly and pleasant, and he treats you by following your orders, so I feel more at ease than at other acupuncture clinics!
Also, my sciatica pain, which had not gotten better at other treatment clinics, was completely cured after 2-3 visits, so I highly recommend this acupuncture clinic! -
(Translated by Google)
Until last year, I was active as a fighter, and I used to maintain my body before and after matches and after practice. After the treatment, I felt lighter and was able to concentrate on the next day's practice. This is a treatment clinic that we recommend to people of all ages, young and old, especially athletes! -
(Translated by Google)
I have been suffering from severe menstrual pain, but thanks to regular visits and treatment, I am now able to live my life without taking medication. You will also feel lighter and sleep better after receiving treatment. The quality of my sleep also improved. Thank you as always. -
4 pocom紹介で知り、一度お世話になりました。整体などより術後の効果が持続するように感じます。 院長先生も丁寧な対応でした。 また行こうと思っています! (Translated by Google) I got to know him through an int...紹介で知り、一度お世話になりました。整体などより術後の効果が持続するように感じます。
(Translated by Google)
I got to know him through an introduction, and he has helped me once. I feel that the post-surgery effects last longer than with chiropractors.
The director was also very polite.
I'm thinking of going again! -
co pandaいつも全身鍼と美容鍼で通っています! これまで整体やマッサージに通っていましたが、根本的に不調を改善したく、鍼を知ってからは断然鍼派になりました。 首肩のコリとお腹や手足の冷えに悩んでいましたが、鍼...いつも全身鍼と美容鍼で通っています!
(Translated by Google)
I always go for full body acupuncture and cosmetic acupuncture!
I used to go to chiropractors and massage therapists, but after learning about acupuncture, I decided to become an acupuncture fan because I wanted to fundamentally improve my ailments.
I was suffering from stiffness in my neck and shoulders and coldness in my stomach and hands and feet, but with acupuncture and moxibustion, my circulation improved and I think things are gradually improving. I've been going there for about two years now.
I also appreciate that I can receive treatment until 10pm on weekdays.
At first I thought it would be a little difficult to enter as it is a private clinic, but the clinic is clean and the doctors are very nice and kind, so I highly recommend it! -
安川亮太肩の痛みのメンテナンスとして鍼灸をはじめてやりました。ゆったりした空間でとてもリラックスできます。痛みはもちろん、可動域も改善して先生には感謝です。また伺います!! (Translated by Google) I starte...肩の痛みのメンテナンスとして鍼灸をはじめてやりました。ゆったりした空間でとてもリラックスできます。痛みはもちろん、可動域も改善して先生には感謝です。また伺います!!
(Translated by Google)
I started using acupuncture for the first time as maintenance for shoulder pain. You can really relax in the spacious space. I am grateful to the doctor for not only improving my pain but also improving my range of motion. I'll visit you again! ! -
磯野智志デスクワークなどでの首や肩の痛みに耐えかねて伺いました。 ヒアリングからすごく丁寧で、自分に合った施術内容で一回目からズキズキとした痛みが引き、その日からぐっすり眠れるようになりました!! 親切丁寧...デスクワークなどでの首や肩の痛みに耐えかねて伺いました。
(Translated by Google)
I came here because I couldn't bear the pain in my neck and shoulders from desk work.
From the very first consultation, he was very thorough and the treatment was tailored to me, so my throbbing pain went away from the first treatment and I was able to sleep soundly from that day on! !
They provide kind and thorough treatment, advice on how to prevent recurrence, and accurate answers to your questions.
It's a private room, and reservations are required, so it's very easy to come because you don't have to worry about other people watching you.
Also, all measures were taken to prevent the spread of the coronavirus.
I would like to continue going to see him in the future so that I can improve my neck and shoulder symptoms. -
m長年腰の痛みに悩まされていました。 去年から本格的に強い痛みに襲われて病院行ったところ手術レベルと言われ愕然としました。それに加えて1ヶ月前から今度は変形性膝関節との診断が... 目の前が真っ暗になって...長年腰の痛みに悩まされていました。
目の前が真っ暗になって諦めかけていたところ... 偶然こちらを紹介頂き飛び込みました。
上野駅や入谷駅から10分もかからないくらいで、マンションの一室ですが中は待合室などもありアットホームな雰囲気がとても良かったです。 問診から始まり、動いた自分の身体の現状と原因を丁寧に説明頂きました。
鍼は全然痛くなく注射が苦手な私でも受ける事が出来ました。 3ヶ月程の通院で嘘のように腰の動きが良くなり膝の痛みも和らぎました。
今日からは上半身の歪みを整えて頂いてます。 内田先生のゴットハンドのお陰で今後の自分の身体が楽しみです。
(Translated by Google)
I had been suffering from lower back pain for many years.
Since last year, I have been in serious pain, and when I went to the hospital, I was shocked to be told that the pain was at the level of surgery. In addition, a month ago, I was diagnosed with osteoarthritis of the knee...
I was about to give up when it got dark in front of me, but then I happened to be introduced to this place and decided to jump in.
It's less than 10 minutes from Ueno Station or Iriya Station, and although it's a room in an apartment, there is a waiting room inside and it has a very homely atmosphere. We started with an interview, and the doctor carefully explained the current state and cause of my body movements.
It was my first time having acupuncture and I was scared of the pain and the procedure, but my fears were completely blown away after the first session.
Acupuncture didn't hurt at all, and I was able to receive it even though I don't like injections. After about 3 months of visiting the hospital, my lower back movement improved and the pain in my knees subsided.
From today, I will be adjusting the distortion of my upper body. Thanks to Dr. Uchida's Got Hand, I am looking forward to my future body.
Thank you for your continued support. -
わたなべ(ササヤン)定期的に通わせていただいております。 院長先生の施術もとても丁寧で痛みえのアプローチが他の医院と違くすぐに解消されました。 他の医院で治らなかった方は是非足を運んでみてください。 (Translated by Goog...定期的に通わせていただいております。
(Translated by Google)
We visit regularly.
The director's treatment was very thorough, and unlike other clinics, the pain was quickly resolved.
If you have not been cured at another clinic, please try visiting us. -
林涼介いつもありがとうございます! 治療はもちろん院長先生の人柄もとても良く、長らくお世話になっています^ ^ 身体が痛くなってから行くのではなく、予防や定期的なメンテナンスとしてこれからもお願いします! 他...いつもありがとうございます!
治療はもちろん院長先生の人柄もとても良く、長らくお世話になっています^ ^
(Translated by Google)
Thank you as always!
Not only the treatment but also the director's personality is very good, and I have been taking care of him for a long time ^ ^
Instead of going after your body starts to hurt, please continue to use it as a preventive or regular maintenance measure!
The pricing is more reasonable than other acupuncture clinics, so I highly recommend it!
Why not stop by and check it out!